

单词 prop
释义 proppropsproppedproppingpropprop1 /prɒp $ prɑːp/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle propped, present participle propping) to support something and make it stay in a particular positionprop something against/on somethingHe propped his bike against the tree.prop他把自行车靠在树上。Phrasal verbsprop something ↔ up phrasal verb1 to prevent something from falling by putting something against it or under it: We propped the fence up with old bits of wood.propbit 我们用几段旧木头把栅栏撑住。2to help an economy, industry, or government to continue to exist, especially by giving money: government measures to prop up the stock marketmeasure政府扶持股市的措施




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