

单词 push
释义 pushpushespushedpushingpushpush1 /pʊʃ/ verb1move somebody/something away [intransitive and transitive] to make something or someone move away from you, by pressing against them with your hands, arms etc OPP pull: The door didn’t move, so she pushed harder.pushhard门动也不动,因此她更使劲地推。push something/somebody down/into etc somethingLisa pushed Amy into the pool.push莉莎把埃米推进了水池。push something/somebody away/back/aside etcShe pushed him away.push 她把他推开。push something open/shutI slowly pushed the door open.push 我慢慢地把门推开。Push the green button to start the engine.按绿色按钮启动引擎。 2move through people [intransitive and transitive] to move forward, using your hands to move people or things away from you: Don’t push. Everyone will get a turn. 别挤﹐每个人都能轮到的。push (your way) past/through/into etc somethingHeather pushed past us without speaking.pushspeak希瑟一语不发地从我们身边挤了过去。She pushed her way to the front of the crowd.push她挤到人群的前面。3make somebody do something [transitive] to encourage or force someone to do something or to work hardpush somebody into (doing) somethingMy parents pushed me into going to college.parentpushgo我父母硬要我上大学。push yourselfMike has been pushing himself too hard lately.havebepush麦克近来给自己的压力太大了。4persuade [intransitive and transitive] to try to persuade people to accept your ideas, opinions etc in order to achieve somethingpush forHe was pushing hard for changes in education.bepushchange他大力呼吁教育改革。5increase/decrease [transitive] to make a number, amount, price etc greater or lesspush something up/downThe new tax will push up the price of consumer goods.good这项新税收会提高消费品价格。6try to sell something [transitive] informal to try to sell more of a product by advertising it a lot: They’re really pushing the new movie.push他们为新电影大做广告。7drugs [transitive] informal to sell illegal drugs SYN dealPhrasesbe pushing 40/50 etc informal to be nearly 40, 50 etc years old: He’s pushing 50, but he doesn’t look it.push他已年近50,但看起来不像。push your luck informal to do something or ask for something when this is likely to annoy someone or involve a risk: Don’t push your luck.别心存侥幸再冒风险了。Phrasal verbspush ahead phrasal verb to continue trying to do something you have planned to dopush ahead withHe has promised to push ahead with reform.havepromise他承诺要大力推进改革。push somebody around (also push somebody about British English) phrasal verb informal to tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening waypush in phrasal verb British English informal to go in front of other people who are waiting for something, instead of joining the end of the line: Don’t push in!别插队!push off phrasal verb British English spoken used to rudely tell someone to go awaypush on phrasal verb to continue travelling somewhere or trying to achieve something: The others stopped for a rest, but I pushed on to the top.stoppush其他人停下来休息﹐但我一鼓作气﹐爬到了山顶。push somebody/something ↔ over phrasal verb to make someone or something fall to the ground by pushing them: He went wild, pushing over tables and chairs.gopushtablechair 他怒火中烧﹐把桌椅都掀翻了。push something ↔ through phrasal verb to get a plan, law etc officially accepted, especially quicklyTHESAURUS: pushpush to make something or someone move away from you, by pressing against them with your hands, arms etc: He pushed me and I fell.pushfallWe pushed the car up the hill.pushshove to push someone or something in a rough or careless way: The man tried to shove me out of the way.tryHe shoved the money across the counter.shoveThe girl said she was shoved into a van by two men.saybeshovemanpoke to push someone or something with your finger or something sharp: I poked him to see if he was awake.pokebenudge to push someone beside you gently with your elbow to get their attention: Sally nudged me. ‘Look, he’s coming,’ she said.nudgecomesay




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