

单词 qualify
释义 qualifyqualifiesqualifiedqualifyingqualifyqualify /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ $ ˈkwɑː-/ verb (past tense and past participle qualified, present participle qualifying, third person singular qualifies)1[transitive] to pass an examination that shows you are trained to do a particular jobqualify asSue qualified as a solicitor last year.qualify苏去年取得了律师资格。2[transitive] to be successful at one stage of a sports competition so that you can continue to the next stagequalify forThe US beat Nigeria to qualify for the finals.final美国队击败尼日利亚队取得决赛资格。3[intransitive and transitive] to have the right to do something, or to give someone the right to do somethingqualify forMembers qualify for a 20% discount.member会员可享有八折优惠。4[transitive] to add information to something you have already said in order to limit its meaning or effect: Let me qualify that statement.让我来具体说明一下那句话。




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