

单词 behave
释义 behavebehavesbehavedbehavingbehavebehave /bɪˈheɪv/ verb [transitive]1to do things of a particular kind: He’s been behaving very oddly recently.bebehave他最近行为十分古怪。He began behaving differently towards me.beginbehave他对我的态度开始转变了。She behaved in a very responsible way.behave她表现得非常负责。behave likeStop behaving like a child!behave别再像个孩子似的!2to be polite and not cause trouble OPP misbehave: Will you boys please behave!boy你们这些男孩子规矩一点好不好﹗behave yourselfIf you behave yourself you can have an ice cream.如果你乖﹐就可以吃一个冰淇淋。well-behaved/badly behaveda badly behaved classbehave一个捣蛋的班级




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