

单词 quiz
释义 quizquizzesquizquiz1 /kwɪz/ noun [countable] (plural quizzes)1a competition in which you have to answer questions: a quiz show问答比赛节目2American English a short test that a teacher gives to a class: a math quiz数学测验THESAURUS testWord Choice: quiz or puzzle?A quiz is a competition in which you have to answer a series of written or spoken questions:a general knowledge quiz常识问答竞赛A puzzle is a game in which you have to think carefully in order to find the solution to a problem:a crossword puzzle纵横字谜游戏THESAURUS: quizcompetition an organized event in which people or teams compete against each other, especially to win a prize: She entered a poetry competition.enterThe winner of the competition will be announced in June.announcecontest a competition, especially one in which people perform in front of a group of judges, who decide which person is best: a beauty contesta singing contestsinga contest to find America’s strongest manstrongchampionship an important sports competition to find the best player or team in the world or in a particular area: the European Athletics ChampionshipBrazil won the world championship.wintournament a competition in a sport or game, in which each player or team plays a series of games until one person or team wins: a golf tournamenta chess tournamentquiz a competition in which people or teams answer questions and the winner is the one who gets the most correct answers: a general knowledge quiza television quiz show




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