

单词 behind
释义 behindbehindbehind1 /bɪˈhaɪnd/ preposition1 at the back of something: the person standing behind mestand站在我身后的人He stepped out from behind the counter.step他从柜台后面走出来。The car park is right behind (=just behind) the supermarket.be停车场就在超级市场的后面。2not as successful or making as much progress as someone or something else: We’re three points behind the other team.point我们落后对方球队三分。The building work is three months behind schedule (=later than it should be).buildbemonth这个建筑工程进度落后了三个月。THESAURUS late3responsible for something or causing it to happen: The same gang is believed to be behind all the robberies.bebelieverobbery这些抢劫案被认为全都是同一伙匪徒干的。4supporting a person, idea etc: We’re all behind the plan.我们都支持这项计划。Phrasesbehind the times old-fashioned: He’s rather behind the times as regards his taste in music.timeregard在音乐品味上,他很落伍。




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