

单词 raw
释义 rawrawerrawestrawraw /rɔː $ rɒː/ adjective1food not cooked: raw onionsonion生洋葱 raw egg生的蛋2material for making something raw cotton, sugar, and other materials are still in their natural state, and have not been prepared for people to use ➔ refined: raw materials such as coal and ironmaterial煤和铁等原材料3information raw data/material information and facts that have been collected but have not been organized or examined: This is just raw data.bedatum这只是原始数据。He is still collecting the raw material for his novel.becollect他还在为他的小说收集素材。4skin skin that is raw is red and sore5emotion/power raw emotion, power etc is very strong or powerful: The film is full of raw emotion.be这部电影充满了质朴的情感。the raw power of their music他们音乐中的原始力量6not experienced not experienced or trained: raw recruits in the army (=people who have just joined the army)recruit军队里的新兵She has plenty of raw talent.have她有很多未经雕琢的天赋。Phrasesa raw deal unfair treatment: She deserved a raise – I think she’s getting a raw deal.deserveget应该给她加工资的﹐我认为她得到的待遇不公平。hit/touch a raw nerve to accidentally upset or annoy someone by something you say: I think I hit a raw nerve by asking him about his wife.ask我想我问他关于他妻子的事﹐触到了他的痛处。




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