

单词 receive
释义 receivereceivesreceivedreceivingreceivereceive /rɪˈsiːv/ verb [transitive]1to get or be given something SYN get: She received an award for bravery.receive 她因其勇敢的行为而受到嘉奖。receive something from somebodyShe received a letter from her mother.receive 她收到她母亲寄来的一封信。The school receives strong support from parents.receiveparent学校得到了家长的大力支持。2to react to something in a particular way ➔ reception: The speech was well received (=people said it was good).bereceive这次演讲反响不错。3formal to accept or welcome someone officially as a guest: Perez was formally received at the White House.bereceive佩雷斯在白宫受到正式接待。Phrasesbe on/at the receiving end (of something) to be the person who is affected by something, usually in an unpleasant way: I would not want to be on the receiving end of his bad temper.willreceive他发脾气时我可不想遭殃。




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