

单词 recover
释义 recoverrecoversrecoveredrecoveringrecoverrecover AC /rɪˈkʌvə $ -ər/ verb1[transitive] to get better after an illness, injury, shock etcrecover fromMy uncle is recovering from a heart attack.berecover我叔叔心脏病发作﹐正在康复中。2[transitive] to return to a normal condition after a period of trouble or difficulty: The economy will take years to recover.year经济将需要几年时间才能复苏。3[transitive] to get back something that was lost, taken etc: The police managed to recover the stolen goods.managestealgood警方设法找回了被盗物品。4[transitive] to get back control over your feelings, your movements etc SYN regain: He never recovered the use of his arm.recover他一直没能恢复手臂的功能。Word Choice: recover or get better/get well?You recover from a serious illness or injury: He is recovering from a knee injury.berecover他的膝伤正在康复。 You get better or get well after any illness or injury. Get better and get well sound more informal than recover and are more common in everyday English: ‘I’ve got a cold.’ ‘I hope you get better soon.’getwell“我感冒了。” “希望你早点好起来。”




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