

单词 refuse
释义 refuserefusesrefusedrefusingrefuserefuse1 /rɪˈfjuːz/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to say firmly that you will not do or accept something: I asked her to marry me, but she refused.askrefuse我向她求婚﹐但她拒绝了。refuse to do somethingCindy refuses to go to school.refuse辛迪拒绝去上学。flatly refuse/refuse point blank (to do something) (=refuse completely)Mother flatly refused to go back into hospital.refuse 母亲断然拒绝再去住院。The offer seemed too good to refuse.seem 这个提议太好了﹐似乎让人无法拒绝。2[transitive] to not give or allow someone something that they wantrefuse somebody somethingWe were refused permission to enter the country.berefuse我们被拒绝进入该国。THESAURUS: refuserefuse to say firmly that you will not do something, or that you do not want to accept an invitation, offer etc: He refused to tell me how much he had paid.refusehavepayJenny decided to refuse the invitation.decideturn something/somebody down to refuse an offer, invitation, or request – used especially when this is surprising or disappointing: You’d be crazy to turn that job down!For some reason, they turned down my application for a visa.turnI’ve already been turned down by three colleges.beturncollegesay no spoken to say that you will not do something when someone asks you: You should ask him if he wants a date – I’m sure he won’t say no.shallwantwindeny somebody permission formal to refuse to allow someone to do something: He was denied permission to enter the country.bedenySome patients have been denied access to their own medical records.patientbedenyrecorddecline formal to politely refuse to accept an offer or invitation, or refuse to do something: They declined any offer of financial help.declineHe declined to comment on the rumours.declinerumour




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