

单词 register
释义 registerregistersregisteredregisteringregisterregister2 AC verb1[intransitive and transitive] to put the name of someone or something on an official listregister withYou need to register with a doctor. 你需要到医生那里去登记。register forHow many students have registered for the course so far?studentregister 到目前为止有多少学生报名读这个课程了?Is the car registered in your name?beregister这车是以你的名字登记的吗?2[transitive] formal to state an opinion or show a feeling: The club has registered a formal protest about the decision.haveregister该俱乐部对这一决定已提出正式抗议。3[intransitive and transitive] if something registers, or you register it, you notice or realize it: Then I remembered something that hadn’t registered at the time.rememberregister接着我想起了当时没有在意的一件事。4[intransitive and transitive] if an instrument registers an amount, or an amount registers on it, it shows that amount: The thermometer registered 74°F.register温度计显示为 74 华氏度。




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