

单词 beside
释义 besidebesidebeside /bɪˈsaɪd/ preposition1 next to or very close to someone or something: Gary sat down beside me.sit加里在我旁边坐下。a cabin right beside the lake就在湖边的一座小木屋2used to compare two people or things: This year’s sales figures don’t look very good beside last year’s.salefigure 今年的销售额与去年的相比不是很好。 Phrasesbe beside yourself (with anger/fear/grief/joy etc) to feel a particular emotion very strongly: The boy was beside himself with fury.be那个男孩气得发疯。be beside the point to not be important: ‘I’m not hungry.’ ‘That’s beside the point, you need to eat!’“我不饿。”“那不管﹐你还是要吃饭的!”THESAURUS: besidenext to someone or somethingnext to very close to someone or something: My sister’s room is next to mine.beDo you mind if I sit next to you?beside next to the side of someone or something: Come and sit beside me.by next to something – often used about being very close to a window, door, or the edge of an area of water: I’d love to live by the sea.He always sits by the window.sitnext door in the building or room next to yours: They have lived next door since we were children.livebechildalongside close to the side of something, especially a river, railway, boat, or vehicle: The canal runs alongside the railway line.run




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