

单词 reputation
释义 reputationreputationsreputationreputation /ˌrepjəˈteɪʃən/ noun [countable] the opinion that people have of a person, product, company etcreputation fora man with a reputation for honesty一个以诚实著称的人COLLOCATIONS: reputationadjectivesa good/excellent reputationThe restaurant has an excellent reputation.havea bad/poor reputationHe doesn’t deserve his bad reputation.an international/a worldwide reputationThe department has a worldwide reputation for its research.haveverbsto have a good/bad etc reputationThe university has a very good reputation.haveto get a reputationShe was getting a reputation for being unreliable.begetbeto earn/win a reputation (=for something good)He has earned a reputation as one of the best football managers in the league.haveearnwellmanagerto establish a reputationBy then, Picasso was already establishing his reputation as an artist.beestablishto build/develop a reputationWe have built a reputation for quality products.buildproductto enhance sb’s reputation formal (=to make it better)This fine performance will enhance his reputation.to damage sb’s reputationThe incident damaged the school’s reputation.damageto destroy/ruin sb’s reputationThe accusation ruined her reputation.ruinTHESAURUS: reputationreputation noun [countable] the opinion that people have about a person, organization etc because of what has happened in the past: The company used to have a good reputation.useThe scandal has damaged the the minister’s reputation.havedamageimage noun [countable] the idea that people have about what something is like, especially when this is created through newspaper stories, advertising etc: The big oil companies have rather a bad image.companyThe star has a very clean image.havename noun [singular] the reputation that a person, organization etc has – used especially in the following phrases: The company is anxious to protect its good name.beCyclists who ignore traffic rules give other cyclists a bad name.cyclistrulecyclistHe went to court in order to try to clear his name (=prove that he is innocent).goprestige noun [uncountable] the good reputation that a company, organization, group etc has, which makes people respect and admire them: the prestige of a carmaker such as Rolls-RoycerollDoes Stanford University carry the same prestige as Harvard orYale?do




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