

单词 reveal
释义 revealrevealsrevealedrevealingrevealreveal AC /rɪˈviːl/ verb [transitive]1to tell people something that was secret: The information was first revealed in a Sunday newspaper.bereveal 消息最初是由一份星期日报纸披露的。reveal thatHe revealed that he had spent five years in prison.revealhavespendyear 他透露自己坐过五年牢。 2to show something that people could not see before: The curtains opened to reveal a large stage.curtainopen幕布拉开﹐一个大舞台展现在眼前。THESAURUS showTHESAURUS: revealtell to give someone information by speaking or writing to them: Can you tell me how much this will cost?She wrote to tell me that her husband had died.writehavedielet sb know to tell someone something when you know more about it: Let me know when you arrive and I’ll pick you up.inform formal to officially tell someone about something: You must inform your bank if you change your address.announce to tell people publicly and officially about something: The government has announced plans to build 300,000 new houses.haveannounceplanhousepass a message on to sb to tell another person the information that has been told to you: The meeting’s been cancelled – could you pass the message on to everyone?meetbecancelcanreveal to tell people about something that was previously a secret: Markov revealed that he had once worked for the CIA.revealhaveworkleak to secretly give official information to a newspaper or television company: The report was leaked to the press.beleakinform on sb formal to tell the police that someone you know is involved in illegal activities: Another member of the gang informed on himinformshow to let someone see something, especially by holding it out in front of them: Stephanie showed us her engagement ring.showlet sb see especially spoken to show something to someone: Let me see the menu.reveal to let someone see something that has been hidden, or know about something that you usually keep secret: He lifted the lid of the box to reveal a small snake.liftSuzy looked away quickly in order not to reveal her true feelings.lookfeelingexpose to let someone see something that is usually covered: He opened his mouth, exposing two rows of yellow teeth.openexposerowtoothThe cave is only exposed when the tide goes out.beexposego




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