

单词 beware
释义 bewarebewaresbewaredbewaringbewarebeware /bɪˈweə $ -ˈwer/ verb [intransitive and transitive] used to warn someone to be carefulbeware ofBeware of the dog!当心那只狗!beware of doing somethingThey should beware of making hasty decisions.shallmakedecision他们应该当心不要作出仓促的决定。THESAURUS: bewarewarn to tell someone that something bad or dangerous might happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it: Tourists have been warned that some areas are not safe at night.touristbewarnareabegive a warning to warn people about something, or to tell someone that they must not do something, because they will be punished: The police gave a warning and then fired three shots.givewarnfireshotThe boy had already been given a warning to stay out of trouble.havebegivewarnalert to officially or publicly warn people of possible danger, so that they are ready to deal with it: a campaign to alert parents to the dangers of drugsparentdangerdruglet sb know to tell someone about something, especially a problem or a change of plan: I’ll let you know if there are any problems.beproblemWill you let me know if you’re going to be late?gobeware written used on signs to warn people about something dangerous: Beware of the dog.Beware of falling rocks.fallrock




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