

单词 roll
释义 rollrollsrolledrollingrollroll1 /rəʊl $ roʊl/ verb1turn over [intransitive and transitive] to move somewhere smoothly by turning over many times like a ball, or to make something do thisroll down/into/through etcThe ball rolled across the lawn.roll球滚过草坪。roll something down/along/in etc somethingThey rolled the barrel down the hill.roll他们把桶滚下山。2turn your body over (also roll over) [intransitive and transitive] to turn your body over when you are lying down, or to turn someone else’s body overroll down/onto/off etcBeth’s dog had been rolling in the mud.haveberoll贝丝的狗在泥地里打滚。roll somebody onto/off somethingWe rolled him onto his back to see if he was still breathing.rollbebreathe 我们把他翻过来让他脸朝上﹐看看他是否还有呼吸。3vehicle/something with wheels a)[transitive] if a vehicle rolls, it moves on its own, with no one driving itroll into/forwards/past etcThe car was starting to roll down the hill.bestart 汽车开始从山上往下滑。 b)[transitive] to make something that has wheels moveroll something to/around etc somethingThe waitress rolled the dessert trolley over to our table.roll 女服务员把甜点车推到我们桌边。4tears etc [transitive] if a drop of liquid rolls down, off etc something, it moves over a surface smoothly without stoppingroll down/off/onto etcTears rolled down his cheeks.tearrollcheek 眼泪从他脸上流下来。5make something into tube/ball [transitive] to make something into the shape of a tube or ball: Bob rolled another cigarette.roll鲍勃又卷了一支烟。6make something flat (also roll out) [transitive] to make something flat by moving a round and heavy object over it ➔ rolling pin: Roll the pastry out.把面团擀开。Phrases(all) rolled into one if something or someone is several different things all rolled into one, they include qualities of all those things: While making the film, he was the producer, director, and writer all rolled into one.makeberoll 制作这部影片时他身兼数职﹐既是制片人﹑导演﹐又写剧本。be rolling in it/money informal to be very rich: Her parents are rolling in it.parentberoll她父母非常有钱。Phrasal verbsroll in phrasal verb informal to begin to arrive in large amounts: The money soon came rolling in.comeroll钱很快滚滚而来。roll up phrasal verb1roll something ↔ up to bend something so that it is in the shape of a ball or a tube: Painters arrived and rolled up the carpet.painterarriveroll 油漆工来了﹐把地毯卷了起来。a rolled-up newspaperroll卷起来的报纸2roll your sleeves up to start doing a difficult or unpleasant job3informal to arrive late: David rolled up after everyone else had left.rollhaveleave大家都走了﹐大卫才姗姗而来。




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