

单词 rough
释义 roughrougherroughestroughrough1 /rʌf/ adjective1not smooth not smooth or even OPP smooth: rough groundgrind高低不平的地面rough skin粗糙的皮肤his rough voice他粗哑的声音2not exact a rough description or idea is not exact and has few details ➔ approximate: Can you give us a rough idea of the cost?你能告诉我们费用大致是多少吗?a rough draft of an essay论文的草稿3difficult if your life or a period of time is rough, it is difficult and unpleasant SYN tough: Sounds like you had a rough day at work.soundhave 听起来你今天上班很不顺利。We’ve seen some rough times together.seetime我们一起经历过一些艰难的日子。My boyfriend and I hit a rough patch. 我和我男朋友之间有了点麻烦。Did you have a rough night (=did you sleep badly)?do你是不是晚上睡得不安稳?4violent violent, dangerous, or using too much force: Ice hockey is a rough sport.be 冰球是一项粗野的运动。a rough part of town镇上危险的地区Don’t be so rough with her.别对她这么粗暴。A truck can withstand rough treatment. 卡车坚固耐用。The boat sank in rough seas.sinksea 小船在波涛汹涌的大海中沉没。THESAURUS violent5not fair/not gentle unfair or unkindbe rough on somebodyI think you were a bit rough on her.bebite 我觉得你对她有点刻薄。rough justice (=unfair or illegal punishment)rough justice handed out by street gangshandgang街头黑帮动用的私刑6simply made simply made and often not completely finished: a rough wooden table简陋的木桌rough and ready (=not perfect, but good enough to use)7ill British English informal not feeling well: The next morning I felt pretty rough.feel第二天早上我觉得很不舒服。—roughnessroughnessesroughness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: roughrough having a surface that is not flat or smooth – used especially about the ground, a road, path etc. Rough is also used about skin: A rough path led down to the beach.leada cream for dry or rough skinuneven an uneven surface has parts that are not all at the same level – used especially about the ground, the floor, or walls: It was an old house and the floor was uneven in places.bebeplacebumpy a bumpy road, path, or area of land is very rough, especially so that it makes you go up and down when you travel on it: The bus went along the bumpy road up the mountain.gocoarse coarse cloth has a rough surface that feels slightly hard: He wore an old suit of coarse cloth.wearThe wool felt rather coarse.feel




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