

单词 round
释义 roundroundsroundedroundingroundround4 verb [transitive] to go around a bend, corner, piece of furniture etc: The car rounded the bend at 75 mph.round汽车以 75 英里的时速驶过转弯处。Phrasal verbsround something ↔ down phrasal verb to reduce a figure to the nearest whole numberround something ↔ down toIt cost £21.70, so we rounded it down to £20.round 它的价钱是 21.70 英镑﹐所以我们取了个整数算它 20 英镑。round something ↔ off phrasal verb to end something in a pleasant or suitable way: Why not round off your visit at a nightclub?干吗不到夜总会去玩玩﹐开心地结束你的游览活动呢?round on somebody phrasal verb to suddenly attack or criticize someone when they do not expect it: After Miss Evans had left, Edward rounded on him angrily.haveleaveround埃文斯小姐走后﹐爱德华突然对他大发雷霆。round somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb1to find and bring together a group of people: The police rounded 20 people up for questioning.roundquestion警方找来 20 个人问话。 2to increase a figure to the nearest whole number




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