

单词 bid
释义 bidbidsbidbid1 /bɪd/ noun [countable]1an offer to pay a particular price for somethingbid forWe made a bid of £400 million for the company.make我们出价四亿英镑收购这家公司。a takeover bid for the company收购该公司的出价2an offer to do work for someone at a particular pricebid forThe company accepted the lowest bid for the cleaning contract.acceptlowclean公司接受了给这份清洁工作合同出价最低的投标。3an attempt to achieve or get somethingbid fora bid for power 权力之争bid to do somethinga desperate bid to save the child’s life为挽救孩子性命而作出的不顾一切的努力




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