

单词 ruin
释义 ruinruinsruinruin2 noun1[uncountable] a situation in which someone loses their social position or money, especially because of a business failure: small businesses facing financial ruinbusinessface 面临破产的小企业2[countable] (also ruins [plural]) the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyedruin ofthe ruins of the templeruin这座庙宇的遗迹Phrasesfall/crumble into ruin if a building has fallen into ruin, it is in a bad condition because it has not been looked after: The church had fallen into ruin.havefall那座教堂已经破败。be in ruins to be badly damaged: The country’s economy is in ruins.beruin这个国家的经济崩溃了。




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