

单词 sacred
释义 sacredsacredsacred /ˈseɪkrɪd/ adjective1relating to a god or religion, and believed to be holy: sacred textstext宗教经文sacred toThe site is sacred to Muslims.be这地方是穆斯林的圣地。 ➔ see Word Choice at holy2very important: Human life is sacred.be人的生命是神圣的。Phrasessacred cow something that is very important to some people, and which they will not change or allow anyone to criticize: The painter attacked sacred cows such as ideas about good taste.attackcowidea这位画家批判了诸如好品味的理念等不容置疑的看法。THESAURUS: sacredreligious relating to religion: religious education in schoolsschoola religious ceremonyspiritual relating to religion and to your mind, thoughts, and feelings, rather than to your body and the physical world: A priest’s role is to care for people’s spiritual needs.beneedArt and music play an imprtant part in the spiritual life of our society.holy connected with God and religion, and therefore very special – used especially in the following phrases: the Holy Biblethe holy citya holy mana holy warholy watersacred connected with God and religion, and therefore very special – used especially in the following phrases: a sacred placethe sacred texts of Buddhismtextsacred musicThe Dome of the Rock is sacred to Islam.bea sacred ritual




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