

单词 say
释义 saysayssaidsayingsaysay1 /seɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle said /sed/, third person singular says /sez/)1[intransitive and transitive] to express an idea, feeling etc using words: ‘I’m so tired,’ she said.tiresay “我太累了。”她说。I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.say 抱歉﹐我没听到你说的话。say (that)Dave said he’d call back.say 戴夫说他会回电的。He didn’t seem to understand a word I said (=anything I said).say我说的话他好像一点都听不懂。say how/why/who etcDid she say what happened?dohappen她有没有说发生了什么事?say something to somebodyWhat did you say to them?do你对他们说了什么?say hello/goodbye/thank you etcThey left without saying goodbye.leavesay 他们不辞而别。say sorry/say you’re sorry (=apologize)I’ve said I’m sorry, what more do you want?say我已经道歉了﹐你还要怎么样?a nice/nasty/silly etc thing to sayThat’s a pretty mean thing to say.这么说也太刻薄了吧。2[transitive] to give information in writing, pictures, or numbers: The clock said nine thirty.say这钟显示时间为 9 点 30 分。What do the instructions say?instruction说明书上怎么说?say (that)He received a letter saying the appointment had been cancelled.receivesayhavebecancel 他收到一封信﹐说任命撤销了。It says here the concert starts at 8.saystart这里写着音乐会 8 点开始。THESAURUS advise3[transitive] used to talk about what someone means: What do you think the writer is trying to say?betry你认为作者想表达什么意思?be saying (that)Are you saying I’m fat?besay你的意思是说我胖吗?4[transitive] used when talking about something that people think is truethey say/people say/it is said (that)They say she’s the richest woman in the world.rich他们说她是世界上最有钱的女人。5[intransitive and transitive] to express something without using words: Your clothes say a lot about the kind of person you are.clothebe你的衣着足以说明你是什么样的人。GrammarSay cannot have a person as its object. Do not say ‘He said me that he was tired.’ Say He said that he was tired.saybetire他说他累了。 If you want to say who is being spoken to, use tell: He told me that he was tiredtellbetire他告诉我他累了。Phraseshaving said that spoken used when you are adding a different opinion to the one you have just expressed: This isn’t really a brilliant movie, but having said that, the kids should enjoy it.havesaykidshall这部电影不是十分精彩﹐不过话虽这么说﹐小孩子应该还是喜欢看的。I must say/I have to say spoken used to emphasize what you are saying: That cake does look good, I must say.do我得说﹐那蛋糕看起来确实不错。it/that goes without saying used to say that the thing you have just mentioned is so clear that it really did not need to be said: It goes without saying it will be a very difficult job.gosay不用说﹐这准是件苦差事。I would say/I’d say spoken used for giving your opinion: I’d say he’s jealous.要我说的话他是在嫉妒。 (let’s) say spoken used when suggesting or imagining something: Say you were going to an interview. What would you wear?begowill假设说你要去参加面试﹐你会穿什么?say to yourself to think something: I was worried about it, but I said to myself, ‘You can do this.’beworrysay我为这事而担忧﹐但我对自己说“你一定行。”say ’when’ spoken used when you are pouring a drink for someone and you want them to tell you when there is enough in their glassyou can say that again! spoken used to say that you agree with someone very strongly: ‘I think we’ve been wasting our time.’ ‘You can say that again!’bewast“我认为我们在浪费时间。” “说得没错!”you don’t say! spoken used to say that you are not at all surprised by what someone has told you: ‘She used to work with the President.’ ‘You don’t say!’use“她曾和总统共事过。” “我就知道。”THESAURUS: saysay to express an idea, feeling etc using words: John said he’s having a party.sayhavemention to talk about something or someone without giving many details: He mentioned that he was hoping to visit Frankfurt.mentionbehopeDid she mention him at all?doadd to say something more after what has already been said: Is there anything else you would like to add?bewillpoint out to mention something important that other people have not noticed or thought of: Someone pointed out that the picture was the wrong way up.pointbeannounce to publicly tell people about something so that everyone knows: They announced that the train would be late.announcewillstate to say something publicly or officially – used about people, official documents, rules etc: The report states that the problem could get worse.statecanillcomment to give your opinion about something: The company have refused to comment about these claims.refuseclaim




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