

单词 scene
释义 scenescenesscenescene /siːn/ noun1in a play/film [countable] a short part of a play or film, when the events happen in one place: the opening scene of the filmopen影片开始时的场景a love scene情爱场面2type of activity [singular] a set of activities and the people who are involved in themthe music/fashion/political etc scenethe London music scene伦敦音乐界I’m not into the club scene (=going to nightclubs) at all.我不喜欢夜总会这种地方。3of an accident/crime [singular] the place where an accident or crime happenedat the sceneFirefighters arrived at the scene within minutes.firefighterarriveminute消防队员没几分钟就赶到了现场。scene ofthe scene of the crime犯罪现场4view/picture [countable] a view or picture of a place: a peaceful country scene一派宁静的乡村景象THESAURUS sight5argument [countable] a loud angry argument in a public place: Sit down and stop making a scene!make坐下﹐别吵了!Phrasesbehind the scenes working secretly, while other things are happening publicly: People are working hard behind the scenes.beworkscene大家都在暗暗努力。set the scene1to provide the conditions in which an event can happenscene forThis agreement sets the scene for democratic elections.setelection这份协议为民主选举提供了条件。2to describe the situation before you tell a story: The first shot, showing the family at home, sets the scene for the viewers.shootshowsetviewer第一个镜头是这家人在家中的情景,为观众描述了故事的背景。THESAURUS: scenechapter one of the parts that a book is divided into: I’ve already read the first two chapters.chapterHave you finished Chapter 6?finishscene one of the parts that a film or play is divided into: The final scene of the movie was very sad.beact 1, scene 2 of the playepisode a part of a story on the television or radio, which is broadcast on different days, or every week: I missed last night’s episode of Neighbours.missneighboursight something that you can see: The waterfall was certainly an impressive sight.beview what you can see from a window or place, especially when it is beautiful: The hotel has spectacular views of the ocean.haveviewscene what you see in a place, and what is happening there: a peaceful village sceneImagine the scene – white sand, a beautiful sea, and palm trees bending gently in the breeze.treebendpanorama a view of a very large area in front of view: a panorama of mountains covered in snowmountaincover




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