

单词 score
释义 scorescoresscorescore1 /skɔː $ skɔːr/ noun [countable]1in sport the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competitionscore ofa score of 3–2 3 比 2 的比分What’s the score?比分是多少?The final score was 35 to 17.be最后的比分是 35 比 17。2in a test the number of points that one person or group gets in a test SYN markscore ofSammy got a top score of 90%.get 萨米考了最高分﹐有 90 分。research based on children’s test scoresbasechildscore 以儿童的测试成绩为基准的研究3in music a printed copy of a piece of music4a lot scores of something a large number of people or things: Scores of buildings were damaged in the blast.scorebuildingbedamage这次爆炸毁了许多建筑。Phrasesknow the score to know the facts about a person or situation, including any unpleasant ones: You knew the score when you married him.knowmarry你和他结婚就知道情况了。on that score spoken concerning the thing you have just mentioned: As for the cost – don’t worry on that score.至于费用﹐不用为此担心。settle a score to do something to harm someone who has harmed you in the past: Jack came back after five years to settle some old scores.comeyearscore杰克五年之后回来清算旧账了。




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