

单词 screen
释义 screenscreensscreenscreen1 /skriːn/ noun1 [countable] the part of a television or computer where the picture or information appears ➔ monitor: a computer with an 18-inch screen一台带 18 英寸屏幕的电脑on (the) screenthe flickering images on the screenflickerimage屏幕上闪动的图像You can edit the text on screen.你可以在屏幕上编辑文本。2[countable] a large white surface that a film is shown on in a cinema: Her face fills the screen.fill她的脸占满整个银幕。3[singular, uncountable] films in generalon screenhis first appearance on screen他在电影银幕上的首次亮相The play is being adapted for the big screen (=the cinema).bebeadapt这出戏正改编成电影。4[countable] an upright piece of furniture like a thin wall, used for dividing one part of a room from another5[countable] something that hides a place or thingscreen ofa house hidden behind a screen of treeshidetree隐藏在一片树林后面的房子




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