

单词 secure
释义 securesecurersecurestsecuresecure1 AC /sɪˈkʊə $ -ˈkjʊr/ adjective1not likely to change or fail: a secure job稳定的工作Does the company now have a secure future?do这家公司目前有稳定的前景吗?2a place that is secure is locked so that people cannot get in or out: Make sure the house is secure before you leave.be要确定房子安全锁好才出去。3if you feel secure, you feel safe, confident, and free from worries: Children need to feel secure.child儿童要有安全感。4firmly fastened and not likely to fall: That mirror doesn’t look very secure.那镜子看上去不太稳固。—securelysecurely adverb: Are the doors securely locked?bedoorlock门都锁好了吗?




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