

单词 see
释义 seeseessawseenseeingseesee /siː/ verb (past tense saw /sɔː $ sɒː/, past participle seen /siːn/)1with your eyes [intransitive and transitive] to use your eyes to look at and notice people or things: Can you see that car over there?你看到那边的那辆汽车了吗?I can’t see without my glasses.glass离了眼镜我看不见东西。see (that)I could see that she looked upset.canlook 我看得出她不开心。see who/what/where etcI didn’t see who she was with.be我没看到她和谁在一起。see somebody do somethingI saw a man come out of the building.seebuild 我看见有个男人从大厦走出来。see somebody doing somethingI saw her walking towards the library.seewalk我看到她朝图书馆走去。2film/programme/game etc [transitive] to watch a film, television programme etc: Have you seen any good films lately?seefilm最近你看过什么好电影吗?I didn’t see last week’s episode.我没看上周的那一集。THESAURUS watch3understand [intransitive and transitive] to understand or realize something: I can see why he’s angry. 我知道他为何生气了。Oh, I see, the water goes in here.go 噢﹐我知道了﹐水是从这里进来的。I can’t see the point of doing extra homework.do 我不明白为什么要做额外的家庭作业。It looks broken, do you see what I mean (=understand what I am saying)?lookbreak它好像断了﹐你明白我的意思吗?I see what you mean about George now.现在我明白你说乔治的那些话的意思了。THESAURUS understand4visit/meet [transitive] to visit or meet someone: I saw Helen in town.see 我在城里碰到海伦了。You should see a doctor.shall你应该去看看医生。THESAURUS visit5find out [transitive] to find out somethingsee what/whether/if etcLet’s phone him and see what he says.say我们给他打个电话看看他怎么说。I’ll see what time the train leaves.leave我要看看火车什么时候开。6consider [transitive] to think about someone or something in a particular waysee somebody/something as somethingFighting on TV can make children see violence as normal.fightchild电视上的打打杀杀会让孩子觉得暴力是正常现象。He sees himself as a failure.see他觉得自己是一个失败者。7events happen [transitive] to be the time when or the place where something happens: The 20th century saw huge social changes.seechange20 世纪发生了巨大的社会变革。8imagine [transitive] if you can see something happening, you can imagine it and think that it will happen: I can’t see people accepting a cut in pay.accept我无法想象人们会接受减薪。9make sure [transitive] to make sure that something is done correctlysee (that)Please see that everything is put back in the right place.be务必把每一件物品都放回原处。10go with [transitive] to go with someone to a place, usually to make sure they get there safelysee somebody to/into etcHe saw me to my room.see 他送我到我的房间。I’ll see you home.我会送你回家的。11romantic relationship be seeing somebody to be having a romantic relationship with someone: I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.see目前我没和任何人谈恋爱。PhrasesI’ll/we’ll see spoken used when you do not want to make a decision immediately: ‘Can I have an ice cream?’ ‘We’ll see.’“我可以吃冰激凌吗?”“我们看看再说吧。”let’s see/let me see spoken used when you are trying to remember something or are thinking about something: Let’s see. When did you send it?do让我想想﹐你是什么时候发出的?see eye to eye (with somebody) to agree with someone: Those two don’t always see eye to eye.那两个人并不总是看法相同的。THESAURUS disagreesee you informal used when saying goodbye to someone: See you, Ben.再见﹐本。I’ll see you later.late回头见。Phrasal verbssee about something phrasal verb to make arrangements or deal with something: Fran went to see about her passport.go弗朗去办理护照了。see somebody ↔ off phrasal verb to go to an airport, train station etc to say goodbye to someone who is leaving: We saw her off from the airport.see我们在机场为她送行。 see somebody out phrasal verb to go with someone to the door when they leave: It’s OK, I can see myself out.行了﹐我自己出去吧。see through phrasal verb1see through somebody/something to know that someone is not telling you the truth: Can’t you see through his lies?lie难道你不能识破他的谎言吗?2see something through to continue doing something difficult until it is finished: Miller is determined to see the project through.bedetermine米勒下定决心要把这项目坚持到底。see to something phrasal verb to deal with something: I must go and see to the food.我必须得去安排一下吃的了。THESAURUS: seesee to use your eyes to look at and notice people or things: I saw a picture of him in the newspaper.seeShe can’t see very well.look at somebody/something to keep your eyes fixed on someone or something, especially someone or something that is not moving: He looked at the clock and it was 10.40.lookbenotice to see something interesting or unusual: I noticed a man running out of the bank.noticerunspot to suddenly see someone or something, especially someone or something you are looking for: Nick spotted the advertisement in the newspaper.spotcatch sight of/catch a glimpse of to suddenly see someone or something for a short time, usually not clearly: Fans waited outside the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of the singer.fanwaithopeAs he walked past the house, he caught sight of Francesca through the window.walkcatchwitness to see something happen, especially a crime or an accident: Police are appealing for information from anyone who witnessed the attack.beappealwitnessobserve formal to see and pay attention to something: Officers observed him driving at 100 mph.officerobservedrive




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