

单词 seize
释义 seizeseizesseizedseizingseizeseize /siːz/ verb [transitive]1to take something in your hand suddenly and roughly: He suddenly seized the gun from her.seize他突然从她手里把枪夺了过来。2if someone seizes power or control, they take it, using force: The rebels have seized power.rebelseize叛乱分子夺取了政权。3if the police or government officers seize illegal things such as drugs or guns, they take them away: Police seized 10 kilos of cocaine.seizekilo警方缴获了十公斤可卡因。Phrasal verbsseize on/upon something phrasal verb to suddenly become interested in an idea, what someone says etc: His remarks were seized on by the press.remarkbeseize他的话被新闻界大做文章。seize up phrasal verb1if a machine seizes up, it stops working, for example because of lack of oil2if part of your body seizes up, you cannot move it and it is very painful




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