

单词 serious
释义 seriousseriousserious /ˈsɪəriəs $ ˈsɪr-/ adjective1a serious problem, situation etc is very bad and worrying: Drugs are a serious problem here.drugbe 毒品是这里的一个严重问题。The damage was not serious.be 损坏并不严重。serious illness/injury/accident etc2be serious to really mean something that you say, and not be joking or pretending: Are you serious about becoming a model?bebecome你想当模特儿是认真的吗?3something that is serious is important and should not be laughed at: Be quiet. This is serious.be 请安静﹐这事很重要。Bullying is a serious matter.bullybe 欺凌霸道是很严重的事情。serious thought/discussion etcWe need to have a serious talk about your future.我们该严肃地谈一谈你的将来了。4a serious person is always quiet and sensible and does not often laugh—seriousnessseriousnessesseriousness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: seriousserious very bad – used especially about problems, accidents, illnesses, or crimes: She had a serious car accident.haveKnife crime is a serious problem.besevere very serious – used especially about problems, injuries, and illnesses: Companies face severe financial problems.companyproblemThe fire caused severe damage to the building.causebuildHe has severe leg injuries.haveinjurygrave used about a situation that is very serious and worrying, especially because it is dangerous or seems likely to get worse: The soldiers were in grave danger.soldierbeThe economic situation is very grave.beacute an acute problem or situation has become very serious and needs to be dealt with quickly. An acute medical condition is very serious: There is an acute shortage of nurses in many parts of the country.benursepartacute liver failurelive




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