

单词 across
释义 acrossacrossacross /əˈkrɒs $ əˈkrɒːs/ adverb, preposition1from one side of something to the other side: the first flight across the Atlantic跨越大西洋的首次飞行There wasn’t a bridge so we swam across.swim 没有桥﹐所以我们就游了过去。go/run/come etc straight across (=go across in a direct line or without stopping)The road runs straight across the desert.run公路直接穿过沙漠。10 feet/5 metres etc across (=used to show how wide something is)In places, the river is 2 km across.placebe在有些地方,河宽是两公里。2on the opposite side of something: Andy lives across the road.live安迪住在马路对面。across (something) from somebody/somethingFrance is just across the Channel from here.be从这里穿过英吉利海峡就是法国。Phrasesacross the board affecting everyone or everything: a pay increase of 8% across the board8% 的全员加薪




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