

单词 bite
释义 bitebitesbitebite2 noun1[countable] when you cut or chew something with your teethtake/have a bite (of something/out of something)He took a bite of the cheese.take他咬了一口乳酪。Can I have a bite of your apple?我能咬一口你的苹果吗?give somebody a biteThe dog gave her a nasty bite.give那条狗狠狠地咬了她一口。Antonio ate half his burger in one bite.eat安东尼奥一口就吃掉了半个汉堡包。2[countable] a wound made when an animal or insect bites you ➔ stingsnake/mosquito/ant etc bitesI’m covered in mosquito bites!coverbite我满身都是蚊子叮的伤!3a bite (to eat) informal a small meal: Let’s have a bite to eat before we go.我们吃点简单的东西再走吧。




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