

单词 show
释义 showshowsshowedshownshowingshowshow1 /ʃəʊ $ ʃoʊ/ verb (past tense showed, past participle shown /ʃəʊn $ ʃoʊn/)1let somebody see [transitive] to let someone see somethingshow somebody somethingShe showed me her photos.showphoto 她给我看她的照片。show something to somebodyI showed the letter to Ruth.show我给鲁思看那封信。2demonstrate [transitive] if you show someone how to do something, you do it and they watch, so that they learn how to do itshow somebody how/what etcCould you show me how to turn the oven on?can你能教我这个烤箱怎么开吗?I’ll show you what to do.我来给你说明一下怎么做。THESAURUS explain3guide [transitive] to go with someone and guide them to a placeshow somebody to/into somethingJill showed me to my room.show 吉尔把我带到我的房间。Did Rachel show you where to leave your coat?do蕾切尔带你去放外套的地方了吗?I’ll show you the way.我来给你带路。THESAURUS lead4prove [transitive] to make it clear that something is true or exists, by providing facts or informationshow (that)This study shows that poverty is increasing.showbeincrease 这项研究表明贫穷在加剧。show how/what etcWe wanted to show how united we were.wantunitebe我们想要表明我们多么团结。5feelings [transitive] if you show your feelings, other people can see how you feel by the way that you look or behave: Alan tried not to show his disappointment.try艾伦尽量不流露出失望之情。6picture/map [transitive] if a picture, map etc shows something, you can see it on the picture, map etc7film/programme [intransitive and transitive] when a film or television programme is shown, people are able to see it in a cinema or on television: The film will be shown on Channel 4.show这部电影将在第 4 频道播放。8be easy to see [intransitive and transitive] if something shows, people can see or notice it easily: His anger showed on his face.show 他的怒气表现在脸上。Ellie was tired, and it showed.betireshow艾莉累了﹐这可以看出来。Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.colourclothe浅色的衣服容易显脏。9something can be seen [transitive] if someone or something shows a particular quality, that quality can be seen: The economy was showing signs of recovery.beshowsign 经济在显露复苏的迹象。show yourself (to be) somethingMr Peters has shown himself to be a fine teacher.peterhaveshow彼得斯先生已证明自己是个优秀教师。Phraseshave something/nothing to show for something to have achieved something or nothing as a result of your efforts: By the end of the day I was exhausted, but had nothing to show for all my work.beexhausthave那天结束时我精疲力尽﹐但所做的一切都毫无结果。show willing British English to make it clear that you are willing to do something: He hasn’t done any cooking yet, but at least he’s shown willing.docooklittleshowwill他还没有做什么菜,但至少他表示愿意做。Phrasal verbsshow somebody around (something) phrasal verb to go with someone around a place and show them what is important, interesting etc: His wife showed us around the house.show他妻子带我们参观了房子。show off phrasal verb1disapproving to try to make people admire you and think you are attractive, clever, funny, or important, in a way that is annoying for other people: Ignore him. He’s just showing off.show 别理他﹐他不过是在表现自己。 2show something ↔ off to show something to someone because you are very proud of it: Jen proudly showed off her engagement ring.show耶恩在骄傲地炫耀她的订婚戒指。show up phrasal verb1informal to arrive somewhere, especially when someone is waiting for you SYN turn up: It was 9.20 when he finally showed up.beshow9 点 20 分时他终于露面了。 2to be easy to see or notice: The bacteria showed up under the microscope.show这种细菌在显微镜下显现出来了。3show somebody ↔ up to make someone feel embarrassed by behaving in a stupid or unacceptable way when you are with them: She showed me up in front of my friends.showfriend她让我在我朋友面前丢脸了。THESAURUS: showshow to let someone see something, especially by holding it out in front of them: Stephanie showed us her engagement ring.showlet somebody see especially spoken to show something to someone: Let me see the menu.reveal to let someone see something that has been hidden, or know about something that you usually keep secret: He lifted the lid of the box to reveal a small snake.liftSuzy looked away quickly in order not to reveal her true feelings.lookfeelingexpose to let someone see something that is usually covered: He opened his mouth, exposing two rows of yellow teeth.openexposerowtoothThe cave is only exposed when the tide goes out.beexposego




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