

单词 sick
释义 sicksickersickestsicksick1 /sɪk/ adjective1a)ill: a hospital for sick childrenchild儿童医院off sick BrE, out sick American English (=not at work because you are ill)Steve’s been off sick all week.be 史蒂夫整整一周因病没上班了。call in/ring in/phone in sick (=telephone to say you are not coming to work because you are ill)John called in sick this morning.call 今天早上约翰打电话来请病假。Mr Smith is on sick leave (=allowed to stay off work because of illness).be史密斯先生在休病假。 b)the sick people who are ill2laughing about death and suffering in a cruel way: a sick joke 病态笑话3feel sick to feel ill in your stomach and as if you might vomit ➔ carsick, seasick: I felt really sick.feel 我觉得很恶心。Coffee makes me feel sick.make 咖啡让我感觉想吐。feel sick withAnna felt sick with fear.feel安娜害怕得直恶心。4be sick if you are sick, food comes up from your stomach and out through your mouth SYN vomit: The baby had been violently sick down her sweater.havebe小宝宝吐得她毛衣上一塌糊涂。Phrasesmake somebody sick spoken if something makes you sick, it makes you very angry: Cruelty to animals makes me sick.animalmake对动物的残忍让我十分气愤。be sick of somebody/something to be annoyed and bored with a person or situationbe sick of doing somethingI’m sick and tired of waiting.tirewait我已经等够了。be worried sick to be very worried: Why didn’t you ring? I was worried sick!beworry你为什么不来个电话?我担心死了!THESAURUS: sickill especially BrE suffering from a disease or not feeling well: I feel really ill.He was so ill he could hardly get out of bed.becansick especially AmE ill: What’s the matter? Are you sick?beThe boss is off sick today (=he cannot come to work because he is ill).benot very well especially spoken ill, but not seriously ill: She can’t come – she’s not very well.unwell formal ill: Her father had been unwell for some time.havebeSymptoms include fever and feeling generally unwell.symptomfeelpoorly British English informal ill: He is very poorly and he may not have long to live.besickly a sickly child is often ill: My brother was a sickly child who was always in and out of hospital.bebeunder the weather/off colour informal slightly ill: Joe’s been feeling a bit under the weather lately.befeelbite




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