

单词 single
释义 singlesinglesingle1 /ˈsɪŋgəl/ adjective1[only before noun] only one: We lost the game by a single point.lose我们仅以一分之差输掉了比赛。a single-sex (=for only girls or only boys) school单一性别的学校2not married, or not involved in a romantic relationship: Terry is 34 and still single.be特里 34 岁﹐仍是单身。THESAURUS married3single bed/room etc a bed, room etc to be used by only one person ➔ double: I’ve only got a single bed.get我只有一张单人床。Phrasesevery single used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing: My dad has every single Beatles album.have甲壳虫乐队的每一张唱片我爸爸都有。not a single no people or things at all: We didn’t get a single reply to the advert.这则广告我们没有得到一个回应。the single biggest/greatest etc used to emphasize that you are talking about the biggest, greatest etc thing of its kind: The single biggest problem is lack of money.bigbe最大的问题是缺钱。single figures British English, ˌsingle ˈdigits American English the numbers from 1 to 9 ➔ double figures: The number of cases of the disease is now down to single figures.numbcasebefigure这种疾病的病例现已降到了个位数。THESAURUS: singlemarried someone who is married has a husband or wife: My parents have been happily married for 20 years.parentbemarryyeara married couplemarrysingle not married: She prefers being single.preferbea single motherbe living together to be sharing a home with someone, but not be married to them: They’d been living together for many years, but had never married.beliveyearhavemarryengaged someone who is engaged has formally agreed to marry another person in the future: David and Sarah announced that they were getting engaged.announcebegetengagedivorced no longer married because you have legally ended your marriage: It can be hard for kids when their parents get divorced.kidparentdivorceseparated if a husband and wife are separated, they are no longer living together, because of problems with their marriage: The couple had been separated for some time before the divorce.havebeseparatewidowed if you are widowed, your husband or wife has died: She was widowed when she was 52.bewidowbe




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