

单词 single-minded
释义 single-mindedsingle-mindedˌsingle-ˈminded adjective having one aim and working hard to achieve it: a single-minded determination to succeedmind一心一意要取得成功的决心—single-mindednesssingle-mindedness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: single-mindeddetermined if you are determined to do something, you have decided you will definitely do it and you will not let anything stop you: He’s determined to win the championship.determinea very determined womandeterminestubborn refusing to change your mind about something, especially when other people think you are wrong: I wish you would stop being so stubborn!willbetheir stubborn refusal to surrenderfirm showing by your behaviour that you are strong and in control: You have to be firm with young children.childThis country needs firm leadership.needsingle-minded working very hard to achieve one thing, and thinking that everything else is much less important: A professional tennis player must be completely single-minded.mindher single-minded pursuit of powermindambitious determined to be successful, rich, powerful, or famous: He was very ambitious and wanted to be a millionaire by the time he was 20.bewantberuthless determined to get what you want in a very unpleasant way, and not caring if you harm other people: a ruthless dictatorIn business he was completely ruthless.be




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