

单词 sink
释义 sinksinkssanksunksinkingsinksink1 /sɪŋk/ verb (past tense sank /sæŋk/, past participle sunk /sʌŋk/)1 [intransitive and transitive] to go down, or make something go down, below the surface of water OPP float: The boat sank after hitting a rock.sinkhit小船触礁后沉没了。He watched his keys sink to the bottom of the river.watchkey他看着自己的钥匙沉到了河底。2[transitive] to fall or sit down heavily, because you are weak or tiredsink into/down etcLee sank into a chair and went to sleep.sinkgo李倒进椅子里睡着了。3[transitive] to move to a lower level SYN drop OPP rise: The sun sank beneath the horizon.sink太阳沉入了地平线以下。Phrasesyour heart sinks/your spirits sink used to say that you lose hope or confidence ➔ sinking: Her heart sank as she read the results.sinkresult当她读到结果时心情沉重。Phrasal verbssink in phrasal verb if information, news etc sinks in, you gradually understand it or realize the effect it will have: He paused for a moment for his words to sink in.pauseword他停顿片刻﹐好让人理解他的话。sink into something phrasal verb1to gradually get into a worse state: She could see him sinking into depression.cansink她看得出他在渐渐的消沉下去。2sink something into something to spend a lot of money on a business, in order to make more money: They had sunk thousands into the business.havesink他们在生意中投入了不少钱。3sink your teeth/a knife etc into something to put your teeth or something sharp into someone’s flesh, into food etc




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