

单词 act
释义 actactsactact2 noun1something you do [countable] something that you doact ofan act of kindness善意的行为in the act of doing something (=at the moment that you are doing something)The man was caught in the act of leaving the building.becatchleavebuild那名男子离开大楼时被逮住了。a criminal act 犯罪行为2law (also Act) [countable] a law that has been officially accepted by the government: The Criminal Justice Act《刑事审判法》Act of Congress/Parliament3part of play (also Act) [countable] one of the main parts of a play, opera etc: Hamlet kills the king in Act 5.kill哈姆雷特在第五幕中杀死了国王。4performance [countable] a short piece of entertainment on television or stage: a comedy act 一段喜剧表演5pretending [singular] behaviour that is not sincere: He never loved me – it was just an act.lovebe他根本不爱我﹐那都是假装的。Phrasesget in on the act informal to become involved in a successful activity that someone else has started: Geoff had the idea of setting up the club, but Brian soon wanted to get in on the act.havesetwant是杰夫想到创立俱乐部的,可布莱恩马上就想要插一手。get your act together informal to start to do things in a more organized way: You’ll have to get your act together before the exams.exam考试前你得加把劲。




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