

单词 size
释义 sizesizessizesize1 /saɪz/ noun1[uncountable and countable] how big or small something is: A diamond’s value depends on its size.depend钻石的价值取决于它的大小。The Jensens’ house is about the same size as ours.be 詹森家的房子和我们的差不多大。size ofplans to reduce the size of the armyplan 裁减军队规模的计划I saw a spider the size of (=as big as) my hand in the backyard.see我在后院看见一只有我手掌那么大的蜘蛛。medium-sized/normal-sized etca medium-sized carsize一辆中型汽车Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces (=pieces that will fit in your mouth).sizepiece把鸡切成一口大小的小块。2[countable] a measurement for clothes, shoes etc: These shoes are one size too big.shoebe 这双鞋大了一码。What size do you take?你穿多少号的?THESAURUS: sizesize how big or small something is: The price will depend on the size and quality of the carpet.dimensions the length, width, and height of an object, room, building etc: What are the dimensions of the table?bedimensionmeasurement the length, width, or height of something, or of someone’s body: Your waist measurement is 31 inches.beinchcapacity the amount that a container will hold: The capacity of the tank is around 500 gallons.begallonvolume the amount of space that a substance fills, or that an object contains: The volume of the gas was measured at specific temperatures.bemeasuretemperature




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