

单词 skilful
释义 skilfulskilfulskilful British English, skillfulskillful American English /ˈskɪlfəl/ adjective1good at doing something that you have learned and practised: a skilful photographer技术熟练的摄影师2done very well: the skilful use of sound effectseffect对音响效果的巧妙运用—skilfullyskilfully adverbTHESAURUS: skilfulskilful British English, skillful American English good at doing something that you have learned and practised: He was a more skilful boxer than his brother.begood at something able to do something well: James is very good at swimming.beswimskilled having a lot of training and experience, and able to do a job well: There is a demand for carpenters and other skilled craftsmen.becarpentercraftsmantalented having a natural ability to do something well: a talented musiciangifted having a great natural ability, which not many people have: Beckham is a naturally gifted player.begiftexpert extremely skilful and having a lot of knowledge about something: If you have a computing problem, you can call our expert technical team.compute




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