

单词 slim
释义 slimslimmerslimmestslimslim1 /slɪm/ adjective1 someone who is slim is thin in an attractive way SYN slender: You’re looking a lot slimmer – have you lost weight?lookslimlose你看上去苗条多了 — 体重减轻了吗?a slim waist细腰2very small in amount or degree: Doctors say she has only a slim chance of recovery.doctorhave医生说她康复的机会极渺茫。a slim margin of profit微小的利润Word Choice: slim or skinny?Slim means thin in an attractive way:He was tall, slim, and really good-looking.belook他高高瘦瘦的,非常帅气。Skinny means thin, especially in a way that is not very attractive:I was really skinny when I was a teenager.bebe我十多岁时瘦得厉害。THESAURUS: slimthin someone who is thin does not have much fat on their body: He looked old and thin.lookthin legslegslim thin in an attractive way: His girlfriend was tall and slim.beWomen had slim waists in those days.womanhavewaistdayskinny very thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy: The little boy was small and skinny.behis skinny armsarmslender literary thin in an attractive and graceful way – used especially about women: A slender young woman came in.comeHer arms were long and slender.armbeunderweight below the normal weight for your age, height etc: Rob is a little underweight for his age.be




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