

单词 smooth
释义 smoothsmoothssmoothedsmoothingsmoothsmooth2 verb [transitive]1to make something flat by moving your hands across it: Tanya sat down, smoothing her skirt.sitsmooth塔妮娅坐下来﹐把裙子理平。smooth something back/downShe smoothed back her hair.smooth她朝后捋了捋头发。2to take away the roughness from a surface: a face cream that smooths your skinsmooth使肌肤嫩滑的面霜Phrasal verbssmooth something ↔ out phrasal verb to make something such as paper or cloth flat by moving your hands across it: She smoothed out the newspaper.smooth她把报纸抚平。smooth something ↔ over phrasal verb to end an unpleasant situation by talking to the people involved: He depended on Nancy to smooth over any troubles.dependtrouble他指靠南茜排忧解难。




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