

单词 soak
释义 soaksoakssoakedsoakingsoaksoak /səʊk $ soʊk/ verb [intransitive and transitive]1if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you cover it with liquid and leave it: Soak the beans overnight.bean 把豆子泡一晚。Leave the dishes soaking.dishsoak让碟子泡着。2if water soaks somewhere, or if it soaks something, it makes something wetsoak into/throughSweat soaked into his collar.soak 汗水湿透了他的衣领。The rain had soaked her shoes.havesoakshoe雨水湿透了她的鞋。Phrasal verbssoak something ↔ up phrasal verb1if something soaks up a liquid, it takes the liquid into itself SYN absorb: The bread will soak up the milk.面包会把牛奶吸干。2to let yourself experience or enjoy something: Sit outside a cafe and soak up the atmosphere.坐在咖啡馆外﹐感受那里的气氛。I just wanted to soak up the sun.want我就想晒晒太阳。




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