

单词 solution
释义 solutionsolutionssolutionsolution /səˈluːʃən/ noun [countable]1a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation SYN answer ➔ solvesolution tothe perfect solution to all our problemsproblem能解决我们所有问题的完美办法It was the ideal solution.be 那是个理想的解决办法。The only solution was to move into a quieter apartment.bequiet唯一的解决办法就是搬到一套比较安静的公寓去。GrammarDo not say ‘They found the solution of the problem.’ Say They found the solution to the problem.find(他们找到了解决问题的办法。)2the correct answer to a question ➔ solve: The solution to the puzzle is on page 14.be谜底在第 14 页。3a liquid in which a solid or a gas has been dissolved: a weak sugar solution淡淡的糖溶液




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