

单词 sorry
释义 sorrysorriersorriestsorrysorry /ˈsɒri $ ˈsɑːri, ˈsɔːri/ adjective1sorry/I’m sorry spoken a)used to tell someone that you feel bad about doing something that has upset them, annoyed them etc: I’m sorry if I was rude.be 如果我有冒犯的地方﹐那很对不起。sorry/I’m sorry aboutSorry about the mess! 很抱歉这样乱糟糟的!sorry/I’m sorry (that)I’m sorry I’m late. 对不起我迟到了。sorry for (doing) somethingSorry for waking you up.wake 对不起把你弄醒了。Sorry to bother you, but what’s the address again?不好意思﹐麻烦你把地址再说一遍好吗? b)used when politely saying something disappointing, or disagreeing with someone: I’m sorry, but all the flights are booked.flightbebook 不好意思﹐所有的航班都订满了。‘Can I borrow the car?’ ‘Sorry, I’m using it myself.’use“我能借车用用吗?”“对不起﹐我自己要用。”I’m sorry, I think you’re wrong.对不起﹐我觉得你错了。 c)used when correcting what you have just said: Turn right – sorry, left.leave向右拐—对不起﹐是向左拐。2[not before noun] feeling sad about a situation and wishing it were differentsorry forShe was sorry for what she had done.behavedo 她对自己做的事感到后悔。sorry (that)Casey was sorry he’d been so angry with the kids.bebekid 凯西后悔对孩子们发那么大的火。sorry to do somethingI was very sorry to hear about your accident.be听说你出了事我感到很难过。THESAURUS disappointed3[only before noun] bad: The old house was in a sorry state.be那幢旧房子很破败。4sorry? especially British English used to ask someone to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear it properly SYN pardonPhrasesbe/feel sorry for somebody to feel sadness and sympathy for someone who has problems: He was lonely and I felt sorry for him.befeel 他很孤独﹐我很同情他。Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something!feel别再自哀自怜了﹐想想办法吧!




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