

单词 sound
释义 soundsoundssoundsound1 /saʊnd/ noun1[uncountable and countable] something that you can hearsound ofShe could hear the sound of voices.canvoice 她听到了有人说话的声音。2[uncountable] the voices, music etc that come from a television, radio, film etcgood/poor sound quality (=clear or unclear sound)A hi-fi like this gives better sound quality.givewell这种高保真音响音质更佳。turn the sound down/up (=make it quieter or louder)Phrasesby/from the sound of it/things spoken judging from what you have been told or have read about something: It’s a computer error, by the sound of it.听起来这是个电脑错误。not like the sound of something to be worried about something that you have heard or read: A teachers’ strike? I don’t like the sound of that.teacher教师罢课?我觉得事情不妙了。COLLOCATIONS: soundverbsto hear a soundShe heard a sound behind her.hearto make a soundHer shoes made a crunching sound on the gravel.shoemakecrunchto not make a sound (=to be completely quiet)He lay still and didn’t make a sound.liea sound comes from somewhereThe sounds were coming from the bathroom.soundbecomesound travelsSound travels better in water than in air.travelwellsound carries (=can be heard some distance away)The sound carried for miles.carrymiladjectivesa loud soundThere was a loud crashing sound.becrash ► Do not say ’a strong sound’. Say a loud sound.a faint/soft sound (=not loud)From far away came the faint sound of music.comea strange soundThe strange sounds of the jungle kept us awake.soundkeepa banging/rustling/hissing etc soundWhat’s that clicking sound?clicka distant sound (=a long way away)the distant sound of police sirenssirenTHESAURUS: sounda high soundsqueak a very short high sound or cry: the squeak of a rocking chairrockThe puppy gave a little squeak, then ran off.giveruncreak a long high sound, like the sound of an old door opening: the creak of footsteps on the stairsfootstepstairscreech a loud, long, unpleasantly high sound – used especially about someone’s voice, or about brakes or tyres: I heard a screech, then the car crashed into the wall.hearcrashbeep a high electronic sound that a machine sends out: I keep hearing beeps coming from your mobile phone.hearbeepcomea quiet soundhum a quiet low continuous sound, especially from electrical equipment, traffic, an engine, or people’s conversation: There a faint hum coming from my computer.comethe hum of distant trafficrustle a continuous quiet sound from papers, leaves, or clothes when they rub together: the rustle of silk dressesdressrumble a series of long low sounds, especially from big guns, traffic, or thunder: the low rumble of a train approachingapproachmade by a liquidsplash the sound that a liquid makes when something hits it: They each tried to make the loudest splash as they jumped into the water.tryloudjumpmade by air or gashiss a continuous high sound when air or gas comes out of something: There was a hiss of steam from the coffee machine.bemade by an explosion, gun etcbang a short sudden loud noise made by a gun, bomb etc: The bomb exploded with a loud bang.explodeboom a very loud sound which you can hear for several seconds after it begins: You can always hear the boom of an earthquake before it hits.hitroar a very loud noise that gets louder and continues for a long time: the roar of the ship’s gunsgunmade by things hitting other thingsbang a loud sound caused especially when something hard or heavy hits something else: He shut the door with a bang.crash a very loud sound caused when something hits something else, especially when damage is caused: There was a loud crash as the shelf fell down and pots and pans went all over the floor.befallpotpangothud a quiet low sound made when a heavy object falls down onto surface: He fell with a thud onto his knees.fallkneerattle a short repeated sound made when things hit against each other, especially when something is loose: The rattle of the window frames told me the wind was rising.frametellberise




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