

单词 active
释义 activeactiveactive1 /ˈæktɪv/ adjective1always doing things, or moving around a lot OPP inactive: games for active youngstersgameyoungster活泼好动的小孩子玩的游戏She’s 80, but still very active.她 80 岁了﹐但仍然很活跃。2involved in an organization or activity by doing things for itactive member/supporteran active member of the local football club当地足球俱乐部的积极分子Students should take an active part in discussions.studentshalldiscussion学生应该积极参加讨论。3technical something that is active is ready or able to work as expected: The virus is active even at low temperatures.betemperature 这种病毒即使在低温下也有活性。an active volcano (=able to explode at any time)活火山4technical an active verb or sentence has the person or thing doing the action as its subject. In ‘The boy kicked the ball’, the verb ‘kick’ is active. ➔ passive ➔ proactive




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