

单词 split
释义 splitsplitssplittingsplitsplit1 /splɪt/ verb (past tense and past participle split, present participle splitting)1[intransitive and transitive] if a group of people split, or if something splits them, they disagree very strongly about something and divide into smaller groups: an issue that could split the churchcan可能使教会分裂的一个问题be split on/over somethingThe government is split over the question of immigration.be 政府在移民问题上有分歧。split fromtheir decision to split from the Labour Party他们要脱离工党的决定2 (also split up) [intransitive and transitive] to divide or separate something into different parts, or to be divided or separated in this waysplit (something) into somethingI’m going to split the class into three groups.gogroup我要把全班分成三组。3[transitive] to share something between different peoplesplit something between somebodyWe decided to split the money between us.decide我们决定我们几个人分掉这笔钱。split something with somebodyHe promised to split the profit with me.promise他答应和我分享利润。We went for a pizza and split the bill (=shared paying for a meal).go我们去吃了比萨饼,费用平摊。4 [intransitive and transitive] if you split something, or if it splits, it tears or breaks into separate pieces: He split the logs in half.log他把木头劈成两半。One of the bags had split.baghave有个袋子破了。THESAURUS breakPhrasessplit hairs to argue about small unimportant details: Let’s stop splitting hairs and get back to the important issues.splithairissue我们不要再计较小事了,还是回到重要的事情上吧。Phrasal verbssplit up phrasal verb if people split up, they end their marriage or relationship: My parents split up when I was three.parentbe我三岁时父母离婚了。THESAURUS: splitto become brokenbreak to become damaged and separate into pieces: I dropped the plate and it broke.dropbreakshatter to break into a lot of small pieces: The glass shattered when it hit the floor.shattercrack if something cracks, a line appears on its surface, which means that it may break into separate pieces later: The ice on the river was starting to crack.bestartburst if a tyre, balloon, pipe etc bursts, it gets a hole in it and air or liquid suddenly comes out: A water pipe in the roof had burst.haveShe blew up the balloon until it burst.blowsplit to tear or break in a straight line: My jeans were so tight that they split.becrumble to break into a powder or a lot of small pieces: The bricks were starting to crumble.brickbestart




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