

单词 spy
释义 spyspiesspyspy1 /spaɪ/ noun [countable] (plural spies) someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or organizationTHESAURUS: spyspy someone whose job is to find out secret information about another country: They accused him of being a spy.accusebeagent/secret agent someone who works for a government or police department in order to get secret information about another country or organization: James Bond is the world’s most famous secret agent.bedouble agent someone who finds out an enemy country’s secrets for their own country but who also gives secrets to the enemy: They turned enemy spies into double agents.turnspyagentmole someone who works for an organization while secretly giving information to its enemies: The police were told about the plan by a mole in the organization.betellinformer someone who secretly tells the police about criminal activities: He was murdered for being a police informer.bemurderbeespionage the work that spies do: Four men have been arrested for espionage.manbearrest




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