

单词 stage
释义 stagestagesstagestage1 /steɪdʒ/ noun1[countable] one part of a process or one time in the development of something ➔ phasestage ofthe first stage of the project 项目的第一阶段the early stages of the diseasestage这种疾病的初期阶段They have now reached the halfway stage of the course.reach 他们现在已经进入课程的中间阶段。the teams that get to the second stage of the competitionteam进入比赛第二阶段的球队Children go through various stages of development.childstage儿童要经历不同的成长阶段。at some/this/one stageAt this stage, I’m not sure what the result will be.在这个阶段﹐我不能确定会有什么样的结果。2[uncountable and countable] the raised floor in a theatre where actors perform a play ➔ backstageon stageI get very nervous before I go on stage.我登台前会很紧张。3the stage the profession of acting: I’ve always wanted to go on the stage (=become an actor).want我一直想当演员。




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