

单词 star
释义 starstarsstarstar1 /stɑː $ stɑːr/ noun [countable]1in the sky a large ball of burning gas in space that you can see as a point of light in the night sky: I looked up at the stars.lookstar我仰头看星星。2a famous actor, singer, sports player etcmovie/film/Hollywood starphotographs of movie starsphotographstar电影明星的照片pop/rock starTHESAURUS actor3in a film/play someone who has one of the main parts in a film, show, or playstar ofTom Kay, star of the TV comedy ‘Tom’s World’汤姆∙凯﹐电视喜剧《汤姆的世界》中的主演4the best the best in a group of players, students etcstar player/student/performer etcJim is one of our star salesmen.besalesman吉姆是我们的明星销售员之一。Louise was the star of the show (=gave the best performance).be露易丝是这个节目的明星。5shape a shape with five or six points: paper decorated with silver starsdecoratestar以银色的星星做装饰的纸6hotel/restaurant two-star/four-star etc a mark used in a system for showing how good a hotel or restaurant is: a three-star hotel三星级酒店7astrology the stars [plural] British English the way that some people believe that your life is affected by the position of the stars when you were born ➔ shooting starCOLLOCATIONS: starverbsa star shinesI looked up and saw hundreds of stars shining in the sky.lookseehundredstarshinea star twinkles (=shines with an unsteady light)Stars twinkled overhead.startwinklestars appear/come outThey sat outside and watched the stars come out.sitwatchstarto sleep under the stars (=in a place with no roof)We walked all day and slept under the stars at night.walksleepstaradjectivesthe stars are out (=can be seen)Already the first stars were out.starbea bright starSirius is the brightest star in the night sky.bebrighta faint star (=not bright)The star is faint but visible.beTHESAURUS: starstar a ball of burning gas in space, which can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky: We looked up at the stars.lookstarplanet one of the large objects that go around the Sun, for example the Earth, Saturn, or Mars: the planet Jupitersun the star that gives us light and heat, around which the planets move: The sky was blue and the sun was shining.bebeshinemoon the round object that moves around the Earth every 28 days, or a similar object that goes around another planet: The moon lit up the night sky.lightthe moons of Saturnmoonasteroid a mass of rock that moves around the sun: Most asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter.asteroidbefindmarconstellation a group of stars that form a particular pattern and has a name: the constellation of Aquariusgalaxy one of the large groups of stars that make up the universe: How long does it take for light to travel from a distant galaxy to Earth?dothe universe all space, including all the stars and planets: How many planets in the universe have life?planetTHESAURUS: star (SENSE 2)SENSE 2famous personstar a famous and successful actor, musician, or sports person: All the stars eat at his restaurant.starcelebrity someone who often appears in newspapers, on television etc and is well-known to the public: She became a celebrity after she appeared in a tv show about driving instructors.becomeappeardriveinstructorsuperstar an extremely famous performer, especially a musician or film actor: international superstar, Madonnalegend someone who is famous and admired for being extremely good at doing something – used especially about people who are at the end of a long career or who have died: Hollywood legend, Audrey Hepburn




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